30 December 2005

Snow driving and parking for beginners

I realise that many in Scotland will laugh at what passes for deep snow down here but the hill outside our house has been the scene of many balletic displays of driving as people realise that they are not going to get up it as their usual short cut. They slide back down and then do a pirouette before gingerly driving back out to the main road.

I can't gloat too much as my car slid off the drive on Wednesday morning. I'd been shopping and had reversed into the drive onto fresh snow. I locked up, walked round to the boot and took the first bag of shopping to the back door for Sonia to take into the house. As I turned to go back to get the next few bags, I saw the car sliding down the drive into the road! I ran through the snow while trying to get the keys out of my coat pocket with my gloves on...just a mild bit of panic going through my mind and few expletives were uttered to warm the cold winter air.

Luckily the car stopped sliding when it reached the gutter at the end of the drive so it only slid about 6 ft. I jumped in and got the engine going and then had to reverse it into it's usual spot in front of the bay window. Once it was on the level I went back to emptying the boot. Sonia missed all this and was wondering why I was taking so long to bring the rest of the shopping in!

28 December 2005

Xmas snaps 2005

Here's a few snaps from this Xmas to amuse you all.

First off is the family all gathered together at one end of the living room after the presents had been opened and they are all still smiling. I'm not in my smart clothes after a slight altercation with a glass of bucks fizz and tiddliwinks golf.

After a few drinks had been imbibed, some of us let our hair down - others had to borrow someone else's to let down...

After driving home through the snow, we found our guiding star on top of the xmas tree (a quality hand made effort)

We woke up today to about 2 inches of snow with more on the way for tomorrow. Here's a couple of snaps of the garden from the warmth of the back bedroom.

Hope you are all well and have a good hogmannay. We're off out to a friend who Sonia convinced that the idea of a party at his house was his idea...

25 December 2005

Christmas Day

Xmas evening, and I'm full of food and alcohol.

Have spent the afternoon dozing through Shrek and Toy Story 2, starting with bucks fizz at 9.30 a.m. might explain some of it but the wine and port with lunch certainly helped.

Everythings gone a bit quiet: niece disappeared about 7 with her boyfriend to see his family, my sister, brother-in-law and nephew went home just after Dr Who, Mum, Dad and Sonia are watching Eastenders having just watched Corrie, and I've temporarily moved out of the living room to use my Dad's PC while my share of the brussel sprouts do their thing.

Interesting selection of presents for all concerned. I think everyone liked what we got them, I like mine. looking forward to reading Schott's Almanac and the Christie book: Grandma Made Me An Anarchist. Got the usual joke from my mum - "if you give me the wool I'll knit you one".

Time to head back to the chocolate liqueurs as the winds of change have passed.

Hope your Xmas was as peaceful and relaxed as mine.

19 December 2005

Odd Xmas stories

Rampaging Santas take too much Christmas spirit

A gang of drunken Santas has caused mayhem in Auckland, New Zealand, throwing bottles, robbing stores and assaulting security guards in protest at the commercialisation of Christmas. Three men were arrested on Saturday night for disorderly behaviour and possessing offensive weapons. Police said that identifying the troublemakers was difficult as the 40 men and women were wearing the same outfit.

Some more odd Xmas stories:
Blindfolded Santa Hanging From Noose At Home Upsets Neighborhood
Forlorn Lover Leaves Diamond Ring In Unlocked Car
Murderous Santa Display Draws Stares
Christmas shoppers beat up Santa
Turkey who dodged death at feast
Police carol singers seize drugs
Apology as Santa makes pub stop
Argentina's taxmen get Claus out
Weird ritual of the burning goat
Santa Claus 'shoots' crying children

02 December 2005


Welcome to my blog.

I'm planning to put up links and photos that reflect my interests or just amuse me as well as rambling on about things.

Hope you enjoy it.