12 November 2006

Long time no post

It's been a while since I posted anything in the blog. I started doing a write up of a gig we went to in Sheffield back on 17th October, but that was posted on the One Day in History blog. Since then I've been very busy at work dealing with the restructuring of the County Council, budget cuts, case work, newsletters and even getting some surveying work done.

Home life has been just as busy. We bought a webcam and have been getting that working with chats to the family, and we bought a new(ish) car. It's a Renault Modus, ex-courtesy car for the local Renault dealership, registered in March 06 which means it's just 7 months old and is the newest car I've ever owned (or will do in 4 years time when all the payments are made). We've also been planning our diaries for visits over the next few months including Dad's birthday, Sonia's significant number birthday, as well as seeing Gemma in Lincoln and fitting in Xmas at some point.