30 April 2006

Summer festival dilemma resolved

The tickets for Cambridge Folk Festival went on sale today. Like hundreds (or maybe thousands) of others who wanted to camp on the main site, I was on the phone on the dot of 10 when the box office telephone lines opened.

Despite ringing simultaneously on both the house phone and my mobile, I started to enter the zen zone of: hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial - hear engaged tone - hang up - hit redial...

After an hour and a half of this, I was snapped out of my telephone trance when my mobile rang in between "hang up" and "hit redial". It was my mate Chris to tell me he had got through and was on hold on his home line. Did I want him to order our tickets when he spoke to the box office?


He rang me back about 10 minutes later to let me know that we have two weekend festival tickets and a camping ticket for Cherry Hinton.

More good news came after lunch with a text message from Mel to say that she had got through and would be spending her 30th birthday weekend at Cambridge. All we need now is for Helen and Phil to get their Saturday ticket sorted.

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