Graham and Ros finally tied the knot after being together for 22 years. It was a quiet do (for a Godfrey wedding) near Bedford. Wedding at the Registry office followed by a reception at Wyboston lakes.

We were all asked to get to the Reception so that we could welcome the bride and groom as they arrived. As we stood around drinking the champagne and wondering where they had got to (Had the S type Jag broken down? Had they stopped off for a pint on the way?), one of the Best Men appeared and asked us to step outside to welcome them. But we weren't to go to the car park, we were to go out on to the landing stage outside the bar.
While some of us looked around for a boat, the younger ones with good hearing were wondering what the strange noise was...then we saw the source. A helicopter flew in over the lake and hovered so we could see the passengers - Graham and Ros in full wedding outfits waving like mad out of the window.

After they had landed, we got on with the business of listening to speeches, eating great food, drinking lots of beer, and dancing to family wedding tunes. We really enjoyed ourselves, and it was good to have so many relatives together with a bar and a dance floor. Sonia and I wandered off back to the hotel for a nightcap (and game of pool against my Dad - who won) before hitting the hay. The next morning we met the survivors at the breakfast table and after plenty of coffee I drove us back to Nottingham.
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