31 January 2006

Joining a gym (sort of)

Good news: Sonia has won a month's free membership of a gym for her and the person of her choice. Yet more good news: I'm the lucky other person!

As with all free offers, there are some hidden costs. I've had to buy a pair of trainers and some jogging bottoms as my old kit is "not presentable"...

We started on Friday 20th Jan and have been going 3 times a week. I'm enjoying the cross trainer and rowing machine but the stairmaster is a treadmill. I know it's good for me. The gym in question has a swimming pool, sauna and steam room. Not been swimming yet but use the other 2 at the end of each session.

I'm feeling the benefit of regular exercise by not getting out of breath when I get to the top floor at the Branch Office and after 6 visits have lost about 1.5kg. Let's see how it goes at the end of this free month.

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