14 January 2006

Save us from the slebs!

It’s Saturday night and the TV is full of slebs. They’re live and they’re taking over!

The run up to Xmas was bad enough with dancing slebs versus wannabe singing slebs to fill the Saturday night schedules but now, in between adverts containing slebs trying to sell us stuff, there’s soap slebs singing at us followed by slebs on ice.

But now it’s not just Saturday night TV, during the week we have another outbreak of fat slebs trying to lose weight on camera while on another group of channels they’re being kept under 24 hr observation in an enclosed environment with a wannabe sleb thrown in to test the pack’s ability to sniff out a nonsleb. But they couldn’t so she’s now “officially” a sleb too! On who’s say so? No one asked me.

And to make it worse, I don’t read the tabloids so I’ve no idea who most of these slebs are and what they’re supposed to be celebrated for doing.

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